
The team Pôlénergie

Polénergie is made up of 14 collaborators, including 11 engineers.

Grégory Desmidt

Decarbonization, Industry, and Cross-Projects

Hélène Becu

Energy Efficiency and Building

Esteban Gheniou

Sustainable Mobility

Hélène Dubrez

Energy Efficiency in Industry and Building

Nicolas Lemay

Energy Efficiency in Industry and Building

Pauline Fortrye

Energy Efficiency in Industry and Building

Valentin Mézières

Energy Efficiency, Decarbonization, and Industry

Marion Cousin

Communications Manager

Elisabeth Moreno

Administrative and Financial Manager

Julien Orient

Administrative Assistant


Territorial intelligence

Energy efficiency and decarbonization

Smart Energy Networks

Biogas and synthetic gas


Also serving the academic community

This expertise, put at the service of decarbonization in Hauts-de-France, is also widely shared in the student world. Several collaborators share best practices in different schools and universities in Hauts-de-France (HEI, Catholic University of Lille, …).

Contact us and let's meet up!

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Come visit us

2508 route de l'Ecluse Trystram
59140 Dunkerque France