
Energy and business in Hauts-de-France.

Polénergie translates the energy transition and decarbonization into economic opportunities for businesses and territories in Hauts-de-France.


More than 200 businesses and territories have joined our organization

Engie Solutions

Our operational methods to meet your needs.

Fast operational methods across the entire energy value chain.

Diagnosis and recommendations

Designing an action plan to lower your CO2 emissions and energy consumption, in line with your market constraints and objectives.

Project management assistance

Assisting the operational implementation of your industrial and energy projects. We are a trusted third party for optimal execution of your

Development and financing

Promoting and participate to the emergence and success of your projects in Hauts-de-France.


Finding the most qualified partners for your projects and assisting you with contracting. We are a facilitator throughout the entire energy value chain.

Communication and events

Increasing the visibility of your projects and actions. We are an amplifier of your reputation and success.

Training and awareness

Strengthen awareness and knowledge, equip you with tools, and promote a genuine energy culture.

Industry watch

We help you better understand the rapid changes in the energy sector to give you a head start.

Pôlénergie with the support of

Contact us and let's meet up!

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Come visit us

2508 route de l'Ecluse Trystram
59140 Dunkerque France