The team Pôlénergie
Pôlénergie is made up of 14 collaborators, including 11 engineers.

Grégory Desmidt
Decarbonization, Industry, and Cross-Projects
Eirik Steen
Deputy General Director in Charge of European Projects
Nicolas Lemay
Energy Efficiency in Industry and Building
Pauline Fortrye
Energy Efficiency in Industry and Building
Valentin Mézières
Energy Efficiency, Decarbonization, and Industry
Elisabeth Moreno
Administrative and Financial Manager
Marie Danel
Communication Assistant (Apprenticeship)
Jessy Ghys
Mission Assistant for Decarbonized Mobility"
Charlotte Sagot
Energy Efficiency in Industry and Buildings

Territorial intelligence

Energy efficiency and decarbonization

Smart Energy Networks

Biogas and synthetic gas


Also serving the academic community
This expertise, put at the service of decarbonization in Hauts-de-France, is also widely shared in the student world. Several collaborators share best practices in different schools and universities in Hauts-de-France (HEI, Catholic University of Lille, …).